About Roxanna

       I was abused as a child. I was abused sexually, psychologically, verbally, and emotionally. I suffered many consequences of the abuse, and as an adult, went through therapy as part of my recovery. I have come to believe that recovery is a lifelong pursuit. I have also come to believe that while knowing about and understanding my journey can help others, everyone walks their own journey. No two are identical but we can still learn from each other.

        My husband has been a very important part of my journey. Four wonderful children also share this journey with me, but the key partner in my journey is Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would still be lost in the negative side-effects of the abuse, which more than likely would have torn my marriage and family apart.

        I recognize I still have much to learn, and many areas to grow and improve in, but I draw strength and comfort from Paul’s words found in Philippians 1:6. For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

        Please join me on my journey, and contact me if you have anything you would like to discuss.

        You may contact me at roxannasjourney@gmail.com

Photo by Jordan Tribble
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